Ecomobile and Monotracer

Hey Guys
I might know what you're thinking about right now "Wtf is THAT?", yeah, I thought the same way when I saw this vehicle first on Thursday.
Okay, and my second thought was "Is it a werid customized whatever of an Audi R8 ?!"

So, now here's the resolution about what THESE are . .

The Peraves Company built between 1980 and 2005 about 100 units of these Cabin Motorcyles: the "Ecomobile" (yellow/white Bike on the top picture), or also called "Oemil" or "Peraves Oemil". The Oemil stands for OEkoMonIL (engl.: Ecomobile), but also just "ECO".
Since 2007 they produce a new model (blue one on the top picture) called "MonoTracer", there's also a Electroversion whichs called "eTracer".
With its 117 HP the Monotracer can reach a maximum speed of 250 km/h. With constantly 100km/h driving speed it needs just 4l/100km/h. For the speed 0-100 km/h it needs 5,7 seconds.
The MonoTracer is 3.65m long, 1.52m high and 1.25m wide.

My conclusion about this Vehicle is: It is very efficiently, needs less space 'cause of its single track and up to two persons can drive with it. Sure some might say "And where can I put my luggage in?", but there's a 200l space in the back for your luggage, bags and so on! ;-)
And, I rather use to call it "Vehicle" because its a nice mixture between an automobile and a motorbike.

Now some pictures, but above them an own Video that makes you sure: The thing's driving ;-)


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