Hello everyone!

This is my first post for the BahnBurner Blog and, as always with the first times, I didn't know exactly about what I should report at this 'important' post. So I thought I'll write a bit about me, introduce me, and write how a girl became such a Car Addict.

First of all my names Lisa, I'm 18 years old and live in Germany. Since ever I'm addicted to Cars and already while kindergarten I prefered to play with modelcars.
Since these moments my addiction has grown and now here I am: since the first of January 2011 I have my own Car Blog called The Car Addict and already since December 2009 I'm a freelance journalist and photographer for a local newspaper.
I just graduated from school but first I want to see if these automotive journalism area is really something for me and then I think I'll go studying.

Till then I hope you'll like my posts, the themes I write about and if you have any suggestions, critics or anything else: you can leave these as a comment below or write me an email.
I'll answer and apprentice them all! You can use this email adress: thecaraddictblog (a) gmail.com.

As I'm always posting such a huge amount of pictures this post shouldnt be without some, so two pictures of myself: at the first I was about 2 years old and the second one was taken about 1 and half weeks ago while co-driving a Tesla Roadster sport.

I'll leave you with this and tomorrow theres gonna be the second post. I hope I'll be able to post daily, if not at least every second day! :)




You can find me also on Facebook, Flickr, twitter, Bloglovin and of course on YouTube.


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